Page 113 - Carrollton 1987
P. 113
Sofia Salazar a,
February 26, 1969.
"Life is a series of Hello's and Goodbye's - I'm afraid
ir's rime for goodbye again”
"Tomorrow’s life is roo lore. Live roday.
"Ir’s hard ro fail, but ir's worse never ro have tried ro
Sofi.Sofa . . . Sofer . . . Sugar Mr/64" . . . Teka, let's do whar we're best at . . . Toyljl
. .. Bearwith. . . Nighr Fever,Menudo,Girl for all seasons. . . Silly Bug & Rug Rat. . . Skiing
or Vail&Ausrria . . . T.Q.M.. . . Beau Soleil 8 0 '... Bike Excursions. . . Yochr Club. . . Amo-
co-Broohahas,Brewskies . . . Halloween Army 85' . . . The Boar-Nixon's,Elior Key.Sedu-
ded, H20 skiing&hydroing,Mangroves .. . the point. . . sweer lips&honey- R.B. trauma
. . . 401-Spring Break 8 4 .Dominoes.rocos.Peseras,Chandeliers,5&B games . . . the 10
stages. . . drinking cem ent. . . The Cars . . . The K.K.'s.. . Marl.- Mami,toucan . . . Lou,
let’s mokiar! . .. M&L vs. 5&Y . .. D.G,S.A.,J.P.,H&M,&' claw", Yo,Lin,Ros,Fred(scipidoo,
johosafakslhooooly!) . . . Hemingway's or Key West .. . lobstering . . . Hey Jack . . .
brother,consolre,mi hermano. . . A.deA.-we've had some good rimes. . . Cuban Open
84'85'86’ .. . senior snapperheads .. . Close up '86 . .. Yolo! . .. Tuti&Mario 8 /2 9 /8 6
. . . NanaTutlBebaLuisoEddy-l Luv U guys,- you're rhe besr! Mami&Popi-Thanks 4 every
thing!! Love You^ . . . Stand By M e ......................................................................................