Page 245 - Carrollton 2012
P. 245
...with hum ility one can db: all things for the G lo ry o f G od,
w hile w ithout it, they car', do nothing. W e may then be
confident that w e should practice this virtue,, and. I am
certain, that if M other Barat w ere able to speak in. her
last moments, her recommendation to the entire Society,
w ould have been, an exhortation to humility.
-Mother Aloysia Hardey, RSCJ
The Carrollton community celebrates, the Feast of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat with a
reenactment of the life of the Saint presented by fifth graders, an all-community Mass and a
farewell blessing of the Class of 2£)I2.
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