Page 247 - Carrollton 2012
P. 247
The annual Fairchild Challenge presented a; variety
pf Options and this year, more than 150 schools;
The Montessori, Primary and Intermediate sohopts
submitted artwork in the form of beautiful blooms
and wrote poetry about flowers. Out o f the many
participants, Fairchild acknowledged and awarded
Carrollton'S Montessori garden with a special merit for
outstanding teamwork. Third grader Cecilia Mestre
won first place for her poem The Flower That Could
Glow. Charlotte Leigh and Elizabeth Wooster's art
work of orchid blooms were chosen to be auctioned
at Fairchild Gardens. Lucia Pineiro and Ivelyn Harris
received Second and Third Place respectively for their
"Beautiful Blooms" Art Challenge entries.
More than 40,300 students in 70 Schools participated
in the Middle School Challenge this year, and
Carrollton, which took part in every option, won a
Bronze Award" and $250 towards our next ecological
project. The 6th Grade received a special merit award
for best acting by lead performers,” for the original skit
"The Last of my Species." Samara Rplle, Marika Boink,
Irene Calvo, Angelica Gonzalez, Erika Haderer, Sarah
Busse, Bella Gonzalez, and Ms. Lizetie Gomez were
singled out for their outstanding acting.
Mrs. Styrsky and Sabrina lamamos wore recognized as
environmental role models for our school, receiving a
plant, a certificate, and a medal.
High School students participated in numerous
challenges this year, including: the Environmental
Immersion Day at Biscayne National Park, the botanical
fashion show, and other projects which included
stormscaping, research papers, sculpture and more.
Mrs. Rodriguez s drama class won second place for
their performance, 'The Plight of the Elephants."
Sophomore Marianna Dorta's research, paper on "Earth
Week, 1971" received special merit for thoughtful and
thorough research. Sophomore Zelmira Rizo-Patron
also received special merit for the lifelike display in her
drawing of a bougainvillea. Juniors Ashley Alvarez and
Alessandra Sousa received special merit for the creative
use of organics in their cake ball recipe.