Page 216 - Carrollton 2009
P. 216

Carolina Foster       Arielle Gallardo       Nicollette Gasson     Gabrielle Gonzalez     Carolina Gorordo
     get married and not    finish her homework   become an Imagineer       have her own            free Cuba
        tell anyone         before it’s assigned                              boutique

      Natalie Gravier        Jasmine Johnson       Daniella Juncadella       Kristen Lobo         Leandra Lopez
    own her own comic       dance into the next   never buy a new pair    solve world hunger     not be doing what
          strip             big hit music video     of penny loafers        with Chex Mix       she should be doing

   Michelle Loret de Mola    Gabriella Lorido        Victoria Lorido        Natalia Macias       Pilar Martinez-Fraga
   become best Peruvian     appear on LMA on       win the Wimbledon     marry Edward Cullen    star on Phantom of the
          chef                behalf of J.Lo             Title                                        Opera

     Monica Maspons          Caitiin McCabe          Lauren Monzon           Gloria Navas          Caroline Naya
    reply sarcastically to a   be the next go-to   be spokesperson for   know everything about   be late to her wedding
      serious question       wedding planner      the Republican party      William & Mary

                                                                                                    Mary Pisano
       Olivia Oramas          Jackie Pedota         Carla Perez-Abreu      Jaanelle Pichaco     build a house made of
                                                                            direct a movie
       be "Parisian"           become a           cry for a piece of cake                            cupcakes
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