Page 218 - Carrollton 2009
P. 218
Q&mior Q&uperlalwes
Cristina Alvarez ~ M ost perfectionistic M onica M aspons - Most sarcastic
M aria Arazoza ~ M ost talkative Caitlin McCabe ~ Best m iddle nam e
Ju lian n e Bagley _ M ost cynical Lauren M onzon ~ M ost persuasive
Ashley B aham on - Best handw riting Gloria Navas _ Biggest over achiever
B ianca Barrionuevo - M ost bubbly Caroline N aya ~ Calmest
A m and a Bonvecchio - Holiest Olivia Oram as - Perkiest
A yla B randt _ G irlyest Jagueline Pedota ~ Most vivacious
T an y a Brillembourg - Best part tim e student Carla Perez-Abreu ~ Most random
A pril Brown ~ Best accent Jaanelle Pichacco _ Craziest shoes
Nicole B runner - M ost dedicated M ary Pisano ~ M ost sporty
Ivahnna Canasi _ Best hair Sophia Pittaluga _ Best iPod playlist
Ashley Castillo _ Q uietest Gabriela Pohudka ~ Biggest joker
L auren Correa - M ost hum ble Gtabiela Pons - Best roWer
Claire C uddihy ~ M ost genuine Daniella Portuondo - Biggest party anim al
A driana Diez ~ M ost opinionated L aura PreussdCuhne - M ost posh
Lisa D onna ~ M ost caring Lydia Pulver ~ Silliest
N astaja Ecker - Sweetest Gavrielle Reyes - Most blunt
A ndrea Erkelens “ M ost theatrical K atiana Rodriguez - Best sister
C ristina Fernandez _ Best Q uinceanera Em iliana Rubio ~ Craziest
Elise Fem andez “ L oudest Saliska Saati - Best laugh
Michelle Fernandez - M ost gracious Milagros Sabarots - Biggest smile
C arolina Foster - M ost text savvy Barbara Sosa ~ M ost Cuban
Arielle Gallardo _ Best freckles K atia T eran _ M ost loving
Nicollette Gasson - M ost color coordinated M onica Trueba - M ost sincere
Gabriela Gonzalez ~ M ost creative M aria Teresa T upini ~ Friendliest
C arolina G orordo - M ost spirited A ndrea U car - M ost Trustw orthy
N atalie Gravier - Best anim ations N atalia Useche _ Biggest germaphobe
Jasm ine Jo h n so n - Best dancer Yilliam Valdes - H ardest Worker
D aniela Juncadella - Funniest Carolina Valdes-Lora - Best hugs
Kristen Lobo - Best speed racer Elizabeth V alentine - M ost em otional
L eandra Lopez _ M ost hum o ro u s Staphanie V ara ~ M ost reserved
Michelle Loret de M ola - M ost passionate Jennifer Villa _ M ost witty
Gabriella Lorido - M ost outgoing D om ingue Villegas - Funniest faces
V ictoria Lorido - Easiest to talk to C atherine W alkington " M ost generous
N atalia M acias ” Biggest reader M ariel Zayes~Bazan - Tiniest
Pilar M artinez-Fraga - M ost artistic in literature