Page 129 - Carrollton 1998
P. 129
R a t i o n
All year seniors have await
ed the day that they will
walk down St. Hugh's aisle
with a bouquet of red roses.
June 4, 1998 was a day no
one would forget. All the
seniors were elegantly
dressed in white anxiously
waiting to receive their diplo
mas. There were tears of joy
and of sorrow, but one thing
is for sure the seniors will
never forget all that Carroll
ton has taught and shared
with then over the years.
Clockwise form top: Carrollton Alumnae
Ana and Ali come to view their sister,
Andria Codina, graduate. Prior to grad
uating, two nervous: seniors, Elena De
Blank and Arlette Bonvecchio, pose in
their white gowns. After the ceremony
graduates Ana Ojeda and Melissa
Robinson embrace in excitement.
Seniors walk together one last time
towards the church. Graduates Ana
Ojeda and Janelle Vega share a tearful
moment after the ceremony.