Page 133 - Carrollton 1998
P. 133

Below: Senior Vanessa Greco
                                                                                      bumps the ball over the net in a
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               FALL SPORTS
                 What a way to                   and, if proven victo-
             start off the year! The  rious,  they move to
             most athletic, persis-              statewide competi-
             tent, and toughest                  tion.  This year,  Car-
             cyclone girls start the  rollton was proud to
             fall program with a                 have two stellar
             lot of energy                                       teams,
             and enthusi­                                        Swimming

             asm.  Among                  f LccM&X               and Cross

             the teams                                           Country,
             that compete                                        make it to
             during this                                         state.  Cross
             season are:                                         Country
             Swimming,                           ________   went on to
            Volleyball,                                          become
            and Cross Country.                   State Runners-Up.
            Students from Junior                 Congratulations,

            High to Twelfth                      Cyclones!
            grade practice,
            strengthening and
            competing for the                    Below: Juniors, Nina Waliin, Alina Pastoriza, Jennifer Miranda, and Car-
                                                 olina Blanco greet the cam era during a  victorious swim meet against
            coveted rank of first                Ransom Everglades.
            place.  These athletes
            compete against

            many local schools

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