Page 156 - Carrollton 1998
P. 156
T1e high school spirit w eek took p lace on N ovem ber 3 through N ovem ber 6. The halls
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w ere filled with decorations, stream ers an d lots of enthusiasm . Activities this year includ
ed e a c h grad e dressing up as different sports team , dressing up the sam e as som ebody
else of your choice an d you would both b e "twins," an d also dressing up in costumes
w hich portrayed characters from different movies. Each grade w as assigned a different
m ovie. For exam p le, the freshm en class w as assigned the m ovie Clueless. Freshm an
. G aby Greco said, "It w as fun dressing up as Dee from Clueless! Spirit w eekjin the high
school is a lot of fun!" The sophomores dressed up as characters from Grease like Dany
Zuko an d Sandra D., w hile the juniors looked like farm er girls "cutting Footloose." While
half of the senior tclass looked like they w ere a t Saturday detention with the Breakfast
Club, dressed as prom queens, an d athletes, nerds, an d as freaks, the other half of the
class w as "Stayin' Alive" like Jo h n Travolta in S aturday N ig h t Fever. A ccording to the
seniors, it Was exactly the spirit they w anted to rem em ber Carrollton having.
Left: Seniors Elena de Blank, Ana-
Mari Calleja, Vanessa Greco and
Caro Garciaare “Stayin'-Alive."
Bottom, LefCEva, Gaby and Vanessa
Greco, Mici^fe Toledo, Paola
Chamorro, O ^a del Valle, Ana-Mari
Calleja agdlAna Carreno gather for
a pidusefo show off how much spirit
I theyhave on Sport's Day.