Page 161 - Carrollton 1998
P. 161
Terror and fright were ed an intense adrenaline
among the many emotions flow in all who watched the
stirred up in the audience production. The Danceline
as Mr. de los Santos’ drama was dressed as skeletons
class and the Danceline posing as a symbol for
swept the floor with their death. The other members
Danse Macabre this Mas- of the drama class per-
querade Ball on Friday, formed a medieval court
October 31. El Jardin was dance that was both light-
the perfect setting for Hal- hearted and forcefully dra-
loween. The moonlight, matic. “It was awesome,
which shone through the Everyone had really cre-
screen roof panels, gave ative costumes, and the
just enough lighting to add music was actually good,”
an element of spookiness, said senior Ana-Mari Calle-
The music was entrancing ja. “I can’t wait to see what
and everyone appeared to they come up with next
be having a wonderful time, year,” exclaimed junior
the realistic costumes creat- Gaby Mena.