Page 166 - Carrollton 1998
P. 166

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                           Above:  Sophomores  and                      CHRISTMAS FORMAL:
                           freshm en  tak e  a   b reak                  On December  19,  1998,  Car­
                           from  d an cin g   the  night                rollton's Christmas vacation
                           aw ay.  To  the  left:  Jen ny               began with a night of  ele­

                           Busto  and Nicole  Lydecker                  gance,  a night of  fun  and  ■
                           show off their dates. Below:                 dance, and a white Christmas
                           Seniors come together for a                  to kick off the holiday. As senior
                           photograph before they hit                   Ana Ojeda put it, "the twinkling
                           the dance floor.                             lights in the ceiling made us
                                                                        feel as though there were bright
                                                                        stars illuminating the night,
                                                                        and the cool breeze set the
                                                                        atmosphere for the theme of
                                                                        the formal." The high school,
                                                                        dressed  in  their  elegant
                                                                        dressed, and their dates, appro­
                                                                        priately dressed in their suits,
                                                                        filled the El Jardin building,
                                                                        and danced the night away.
                                                                        As the night ended,  students
                                                                        left remarking about the won­
                                                                        derful time they had.
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