Page 168 - Carrollton 1998
P. 168

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                                                                             The  mcdn  focus  of  the  sophomore
                                                                           retreat w as to further develop under­
                                                                           standing within the class.  The sopho­
                                                                           mores w ere given independent time
                                                                           to  con fron t  their  friends  a n d   talk
                                                                           problem s  over.  As  tears  w ere  shed,
                                                                           friendships  w ere  gained.  Sophomore
                                                                           E lizabeth   D elg ad o   qu otes,  "I  w as
                                                                           a b le  to  approach  the  problem   with
                                                                           m y friends an d  start all over again."
                                                                             The  retreat,  w h ich   w as  h eld   on
                                                                           N ovem ber  11,  1997  in  th e  LaSalle
                                                                           Retreat house, ca m e to a n  end  with a
                                                                           m ass  giv en   b y   Father  Tim  Kandel.
                                                                           Senior retreat leader A ntyonella Bon-
                                                                           v ecch io  brought  a   flowerpot  to  the
                                                                           m ass,  w hich  represented  the  sopho­
                                                                           m ore  class.  Each  student  planted  a
                                                                           flower  seed  that  symbolized  her  dif­
                                                                           ferent  hopes  for  the  class.  M an y  of
                                                                           these hopes w ere to see the growth of
                                                                           old relationships as w ell as new  ones.
                                                                           W hen the  year ca m e  to a n  end,  the
                                                                           flowers h ad  blossomed,  as did m any
                                                                           friendships.  This  retreat  will  alw ays
                                                                           h o ld   c h e ris h e d   m e m o rie s  to  th e
                                                                           sophomore class.

  Top Above: During treat, a group of sopho­
  mores opened up to each other with hon-

  Above:  Paola Chamorro and Maria Mar­
  tinez found each other.
  Right:  Adriana Vilhena,  Elizabeth Delga­
  do, Maria Garcia, and Tessie Larrieu share
  a brief moment of relaxation during the
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