Page 106 - Carrollton 2004
P. 106

AncL What! Pat ricia Gauate-Baez spreads
                                                                           notklng but smiles and laugkter amongst kec
                                                                           classmates by making funny faces at tkeivu

                 From January  21  to  the  23,  the  8th  grade  class  took  time  off from  school  to  experience their
          long-awaited trip to Pathfinder.  One of the girls said, "When we got there we started with activities that
          helped  us  come  closer together  by thinking  and  working  as  a team,  which  was  what  all  the  activities
          helped us accomplish. All of the challenges taught us that we have to think and work together in order
          to get past many obstacles. We also had to work together to pull off "no food waste" which was our goal
          for the end of the trip.  On the first day we had a  lot of fun learning  how to  square-dance. The second
          day we went on our canoe trip which was somewhat scary, but really exciting. At night we were able to go
          through our own "underground railroad"  in which we all got into groups and acted as  run away slaves
          trying to  reach the  safe land.  Along  the way,  teachers and counselors would stop  us and the  "officers"
          of the group would come up with an excuse to be walking around at night while the "slaves" would stay
          still as if hiding. The third day was "Mission Impossible" in which we put everything we learned to a test;
          we had to  build a fire,  compose  First Aid,  and build a shelter.  By the  end of the trip we  learned a  lot
          about outdoor survival skills and working together as a team."

                                                       Waddup!  Isabella  Lauria,  Pamela  Villa,  Katky  WolfstkaL,  and
                                                       Megkan  Hannakan  strike a funny  pose  wkile  waiting for tke next

         Dancing Fever! Camila Bravo and Daniela
         de la Fe skow off tkeir mooes togetker at
         one of tke Patkflndec events.

                                                  Take Five! Elisa Murai, Laurel Bowers, Mariana Hollifield, Clara
                                                  Kann, Audrey Cken, and Sarak Ingersoll take a relaxing break
                                                  from one of tke many Patkfinder activities.

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