Page 125 - Carrollton 2004
P. 125
Two peas in, a blue
and gold pod. Fresh'
m an Josie Aguila
and Rebecca, Torres
bond together as op
posite team members
. to take a picture.
When everyone walked into the PAC on Halloween you
could hear the screams... and cheers. It was Carroll
ton's 2003 Field Day! The everlasting chants of "Who
rocks the house? The gold/blue team rocks the house
and when they rock the house, they rock it all the way
down" were heard and proudly shouted. To show their
team spirit, whether on the gold team or the blue team,
people wore glitter, face paint, lipstick, and eyeshadow
all according to their color team. The excitment filled
the room as the different cheer groups came up and you
could also feel the competitiveness. It was a fight to the
finish but the blue team defeated the gold this year.
I can. do it, let me do itl N a sh a
For winning, the blue team was allowed to wear dangly
W allin appeared in th e Field ■.
earrings to school on Monday. Both teams showed true D a y skit as h e r fa m o u s S tew art
spirit and sportmanship and congratulated each at the character fro m M A D te.
end of the day. Better luck next time, Gold.
AHH Real Monstecs! Th e halls Were decorated w ith posters
I fr o m old N ick elo d e o n shows.
Nap Time J u n io r s J e n n y VilLavicencio, A m a n d a Iglesias, C am ila N eein, a n d C y n th ia D onna, take a
n a p fr o m a lo n g day' o f gam es a n d fu n .
I I Fab etc of Out Lwgs