Page 240 - Carrollton 2004
P. 240
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On Monday, June 7, 2004 seniors and their parents gatheredinthe
PACto honor each other at the Senior Parent Luncheon.
Just days before the Graduation, both parents and daughters were full
of excitement and emotion. Before the meal, the girls gave their parents
a painting of their hand print which they made to showtheir parents the
appreciation they have for everything they have done for time. During the
lunch parents were able to talk wth the teachers who sat at their table
about their daughter's achievements.
The luncheon was a wonderful way for the seniors to spendtheir last
time in the PACwth their parents and it wll surely be an event both
daughter and parents wll never forget.
Proud parents w ith tkeic dau ghter A n n a Chacon.
Mar’sol V ilasuso a n d ker pacents enjoyin g lunch.
M argina D em m etrR ock a a n d kec m oth ers sm iles Ckloe W eppec a n d kec pacents en joyin g their Mcs. A breu pauses from discussing E stefania
prooe tk e phrase, wee m oth er like daughter* tim e together a t tk e lu n ch eon . S ch n eecs artwork to take a picture.
d o a n n Sparrow a n d ker parents d iscuss kow proud Elizabeth L an d ru m a n d ker parents looking at
tk ey are o f ker work on tk e yearbook. tke beau tifu l artwork covering tk e PA C Walls.
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I L auren 8 an ck ez is all sm iles w itk ker m otker.
Senior Parent Lucheon *239
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