Page 243 - Carrollton 2004
P. 243
High School Prize Day 2 0 0 4
On June 9, 2004 the
Carrollton High School gathered
for its annual year end Prize
During the ceremony
awards were given out for Excellence
and Achievement in each subject,
as well as Booh Awards, Senior
Special Academic Awards and
many other special recognitions.
Vive La Rxuice... Margina DemmetrRocka
The underclassmen received
won tke Senior Special Ackievement
their promotion certificates while Award in Frenck as Well as tke National
the Seniors waited anxiously for Hispanic Sckolar Recognition Program
that night when they would receive Award and Presidential Educational Ms' P,W ent *' j Mari£L CacoUna Nelson, Student Bb
Excellence Award President, gives ker last address to tke sckool
their diplomas.
The event simply proved
that hard worh does pay off and
we are all capable of achieving our
Stealing tke SkoW . . . Helena Martinez
won tke Senior Special Academic Audrey
F. Heptmm Award for Excellence in
Performing Arts and tke Presidential
Educational Improvement Award.
Big Winner... Elizabetk Landrum Won tke Senior Specie
Academic Awards in Matkematics, tke Motker Agnes
Barry Award in Englisk, tke Louis F. Budenz Award tn
History, and tke Ckrista McAuliffe Award in Science SriE
Master of tke Brusk ... Macia Antonia Botero, witk ker Britto also won tke Presidential Educational Excellence Award
inspired painting won tke Senior Special Academic Award in tke Service Award, tke Perfect Attendance Award, arid
Fine Arts. tke National Merit Sckolarskip Program Award.
H H t Worn Out
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