Page 6 - Carrollton 2004
P. 6

Love it or hate it, when you see blue, magenta, and
                        turquoise overlapping in a plaid pattern you hnow a Carrollton
                        skirt is nearby. You might even be wearing  it. The Carrollton plaid
                        may be a difficult look to get used to at first, and we've certainly
                        spent our share of time complaining about it,  but deep down we
                        all know there is a little part of our heart covered in that plaid

                                It is because of this that when it came time to choose the
                        theme of the yearbook we knew it had to be "Mad About Plaid."
                        The theme expresses the love and hate relationship we have at
                        times with our trademark Carrollton look.

                                Each of the five schools of Carrollton represents the
                        different colors in our skirt. Though separate at times, they all
                        come together to form a unique pattern. The yearbook is divided
                        by schools this year, but starts and ends with the events that bind
                        us together as children of the Sacred Heart.

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                                                                                           Yearbook Tkem e  j / .  W j
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