Page 61 - Carrollton 1979
P. 61

DIANA PAREDES  MAFFERETTI                                        “If I can stop one heart from  breaking,
                                                                        I shall not live in vain;
                        June 4,  1961
                                                                        If I can ease one life the aching,
                       Transferred from                                 Or cool one pain,
            Santa  Ursula  School,  Lima,  Peru  1977                   Or help one fainting robin
                                                                        Unto  his nest again,
                                                                        I shall not live in vain.”

                                                                        “Special joys and special places,
      “But  I  know she  can  talk”.  .  .  Que Mona .  .  .  Peru .    Special friends together -
                                                                        The moments pass so quickly,
      Silence is golden ...   Short and Sassy. .. “Ya Pues”.            But the memories are fbrever!”
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