Page 58 - Carrollton 1979
P. 58

                                                                                    Academic Committee (9
                                                                                     Backgammon Club (10
  “I am  afraid  of getting  older.  I  am                                                    Close-Up (11
  afraid of getting married.  Spare me                                                      Focus Staff (11
  from cooking three meals a day                                                     Mercy Volunteer (9,  10
  spare me from the relent­                                                                Powder Puff (11
  less cage of routine and                                                         Prom Committee (11,  12
  rote.  I want to be free -                                                    Representative at Large (11
  free to know people and                                                             Social Committee (12
  their backgrounds -  free to                                           w  Social Committee Chairman  (12
  move to different parts of                                                        Student Council (11,  12
  the world so I may leam that                                                              Who’s Who (11
  jslhere are other morals and                                             Youth Foci^ on Governjhent (11
  standards besides my owh. l                                                        Yearbook StafI (11,  l<f
  want  I think, to be omni­
  scient ... I think I would like
  to call myself ‘The girl who
  wanted to be God.’ Yet if I
  were not in this body, where
  ‘would’ I be -  perhaps I am                                                               Despistada I . I
  ‘destined’  to be classified
  and qualified.  But oh, I cry                                                           games people play
  out against it  I am I -  I am
                                                                                          ..  .  wrap it up .  .  .
  powerful -  but to what
  extent?  I am I.”                                                                             Beach Club
  Sylvia Plath                                                                               . . .   dances. . .
                                                                                       10-19-78 .  .  .  pig out
                                                                                          .  .  .  Blue Maverick

                                                                                            .  .  .  The K ey.  .  .
                                                                                              Diet Pepsi  ..  .
                                                                                          Three Musketeers
                                                                                     .  .  .“O.K.  you guys” .  ..

                                                                                           POE .  .  .  Monty’s

                              JACQUELINE ANNE MANTILLA
                                             February 26, 1961
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