Page 54 - Carrollton 1979
P. 54

Dashing  dasher  .  .  .B.K.  hats                             ELISE  DIANE  LAFONTISEE
  .  .  .“wow”.  .  .  car in coma                                            August 24,  1961
  “Hollywood,  HI take it”
  .  .  .  1 Vi Sangrias.  .
  Wild and crazy .  . .
  wrap it up .  .  .  Red
  .  .  .  Monty’s .  .  .
  dram a.  .  .
  E.B.U.S.  .  .  .
  Romp .  .  .
  Belen .  .  .


                       i l l

                               m gam
                                       ^Tfn so glad we f^B-ihis time together,
                                       Just to have a laugh and sing a song.
  ACTIVITIES:                             ....  Seems yv%just got started
  'lass President (9)                       and before you know it,            “I want to live,  I want to grow,
  lo-Chairperson  Sports Committee       Comes the time we have to say          I want to see,  I want to know,
                                                   so long.”                    I want to share all I can give,
                               ( 12)   |
   )rama (9-12)                                 Carol Burnette                   I want to be,  I want to live.”
   )rama Club (10)                                                                              John Denver
   IV. P. International Water Polo (11)   “So we’re finally getting out of here.
   >ports Committee (9,  11,  12)              Step on  the gas,                “I’m O.K.,  the world’s crazy!”
   itudent Admissions Committee (11)       and wipe away the tear.”                                    Gaga
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