Page 54 - Carrollton 1979
P. 54
Dashing dasher . . .B.K. hats ELISE DIANE LAFONTISEE
. . .“wow”. . . car in coma August 24, 1961
“Hollywood, HI take it”
. . . 1 Vi Sangrias. .
Wild and crazy . . .
wrap it up . . . Red
. . . Monty’s . . .
dram a. . .
E.B.U.S. . . .
Romp . . .
Belen . . .
i l l
m gam
^Tfn so glad we f^B-ihis time together,
Just to have a laugh and sing a song.
ACTIVITIES: .... Seems yv%just got started
'lass President (9) and before you know it, “I want to live, I want to grow,
lo-Chairperson Sports Committee Comes the time we have to say I want to see, I want to know,
so long.” I want to share all I can give,
( 12) |
)rama (9-12) Carol Burnette I want to be, I want to live.”
)rama Club (10) John Denver
IV. P. International Water Polo (11) “So we’re finally getting out of here.
>ports Committee (9, 11, 12) Step on the gas, “I’m O.K., the world’s crazy!”
itudent Admissions Committee (11) and wipe away the tear.” Gaga