Page 50 - Carrollton 1979
P. 50
July 26, 1961
Basketball Team (10, 11)
Christian Living Committee (11, 12)
Class Representative to Student Government
Focus Staff (11)
National Thespian Society (11, 12)
Performing Arts (9 -1 2 )
Social Action (9)
Sports Committee (9, 10)
Swim Team (9)
Who’s Who (12)
Yearbook Staff (10 - 12)
Yearbook Copy Editor (12)
'e . . . Sounds . . . BB . . .“When we party”. . .
Let’s go fishing”. . . Stang . . . T.G.I.F.
. . E-Max Morale . . . a mile a day . . ,“Fe found
Mickey” . . . Fungi Fe . . . “I’m a gator” . . .
“Reality - it’s not for me and it makes me laugh!”
Bruce Johnston
“1have more memories
than if I were a thousand years old.”
Charles Baudelaire
‘So long . . . it’s been good to know you.”