Page 45 - Carrollton 1979
P. 45

                                                  October 31,  1960

     Columbia .  .  .“I can’t wait to go out   ACTIVITIES:                      “Though nothing can bring back the
     this  weekend”.  .  .  Gatlinburg  .  .  .   Academic Committee (9)        hour of splendor in the grass, of the
     “Did  you  do  your  assignment”.  .  .  Close-Up (11)                     glory  in  the  flower;  We  will  grieve
     A.R... .“I flunked it”. . .“My diet”. ..  D.A.R.C.  (9,  10)               not,  rather  find  strength  in  what
                                            Mercy Hospital (10)                 remains behind . . . ”
                                            Prom Committee (12)
                                            Social Committee (10,  11,  12)
                                            Sunshine Committee (9)
                                            Who’s Who (11)

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