Page 40 - Carrollton 1979
P. 40

M f llc f A ^ jiN   ECKER
                                                                                Novcmbc^zj 1961

                                                                                    “What  a  Bimbo”  . . .
                                                                                           .  .  .  Montey’sijH
                                                                                          “Peachy k e e n ^ J|

                                                                                           Killer Kefi
                                                                                    Weekends .  .  .  Scats .1?^
                                                                                         Long and Silky .  .  .
                                                                                           Crazy Jet S ki.  .  .
                                                                                      Blue Bug .  .  .  The Key
                                                                                                .  .  .  Flirt.  .  .

                                                                Out of the r ighl thai  cover? me
                                                                    e ^ ack as                *° p°K
                                                                I thank whatever gods
     WMmI                                                       In the
     w /m
                                                               £     I have not winced
                                                                Under the  hi i  geonii g-. nf i f& i §J

                                                                j g j  My head is bloody, but unbowed.

                                                               i | |   Lpoms but the home*of th e|||j|se,  £
  ACTIVITIES                                                   ' Ahd                              w
   Acad^^B .                                                   |  |f ||  |lnds||^|^fei^1nd ||^ ||p frp d .  .*/  *
   Chess Club (11
   Representative at                                                                                   scroll,
   Secretary- T reasurer                                                                     j j l l P  •
   Social Committee (%                                               I ancMJReaptain of rtfy soul.
                                                                                       William Ernest Henley
   Stud ent Government fit
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