Page 38 - Carrollton 1979
P. 38

ACTIVITIES:                             NANCY JEANNE                                  The Keys .  .  .  Africa
   Drama (9,  10)
   Powder Puff (12)                           DOUGLASS                                         .  .  .  Bike-rider
   Sports Committee (11)                     November 13, 1961                            . . .   “I like the way
   Sunshine Committee (9,10,11,
                                                                                          the little one walks”
   Sunshine  Committee                 “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -   .  .  .  Animal  Lover .  .  .  Cornell
                                         I took the one less travelled by,
                Co-chairman  (12)
                                       And that has made all the difference”   Swaheli  .  .  .  Short  and  Sassy
   Teacher's Aide (10)
   Thespian Society (11)                         Robert Frost                    .  .  .  Questions,  questions .  .  .
   Volleyball Team (11)

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