Page 43 - Carrollton 1979
P. 43

“A stream has come to its end,
                                                                            Alas one of my journeys has ended
                                                                            A new one shall soon begin.
                                                                            Like the seas,
                                                                            I am a body of never ending emotion
                                                                            With little organization,
                                                                            But with a purpose to fulfill.
                                                                            The waters subside into
                                                                            their ponned courses.
                                                                            So must we choose the
                                                                            direction which we take.
                                                                            Life is a pattern that cannot be denied,
                                                                            Although be it not always smooth
                                                                            It ebbs and flows like
                                                                            the tides of the ocean.
                                                                            Love must be given and taken always.
                                                                            It too cannot be denied.
                                                                            Love provides purpose.
                                                                            Truth gives validity.
                                                                            I must grow in my time
                                                                            in order to understand.
                                                                            I must expand my feelings and
                                                                            Compassion for the beauty of life.
                                                                            As God has love for his seas,
                                                                            He  has love for his children.
                                                                            He shall help me in my Life.
                                                                            I trust in him.
                                                                            To be known human is to understand,
                                                                            and to know.
                                                                            Within the short period of our
                                                                            earthly existence.”

        CONSUELO JULIA THERESA ESCALLON                                     ACTIVITIES:
                                                                            Academic Committee (12)
                             November 27,  1961
                                                                            Backgammon Club (10,  12)
                                                                            Catholic Youth Organization (9,  10)
                                                                            Chess Club (12)
                                                                            Close-Up (10)
                                                                            Focus co-editor (9)
      “Can I ask a question?”. .  . Tim ex. ..   Monza .  ..  Miami Dolphins   Focus Managing Editor (12)
       Loyola .  .  .  Bee Gees .  .  .  My music .  .  .  records .  .  .  crazy driver.  Literary Magazine (12)
                                                                            Sunshine Committee  (9,  10)
                                                                            Sports Committee (11)
                                                                            Teacher’s Aide for World Cultures (11)
                                                                            Performing Arts (11)
                                                                            Quill and Scroll (12)
                        Q q m a l  Z ic /tJ U < W -                         International Honor Society (12)

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