Page 44 - Carrollton 1979
P. 44

                                                March 4,  1961

                    ACTIVITIES:        “Tomorrow will I live,  the fool does say;
                   Close-Up (12)       Today itself s too late; The wise lived yesterday.”
                Social Action (12)     Martial
           Social Committee (12)
            Prom Committee (12)        “He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
                                       And he who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere.”
                                       “Some of us went away just to get away. Some of us left because horizons
  Crazy driver.  .  .  Crashing .  .  .“Oye   never stop.  Beyond each hill a new one waits and pulls us like the hidden
  Mami”. .. Waterbogging . . .   Laugh   hands of love.”
  . . .   Lost in Hialeah .  .  .      Rod McKuen
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