Page 42 - Carrollton 1979
P. 42


             July 2, 1961

   “May the road rise up to meet you
   May the wind be always at your back
             May the sun shine warm
                     upon your face,
    The rain fall soft upon your fields
            And,  until we meet again
                  May God hold you
            in the palm of His hand.”
                       Irish Blessing

   “Without Love,  you have nothing.
               So I give you my love
    And I hope it will fill that space.”

        “The future belongs to those
                 who prepare for it.”


                                        ACTIVITIES:     Kool Aid  .  .  .  Hot dogs  .  .  .  McDonalds  .  .  .  Kiss
                           Academic Committee (12       Orange  Bowl  .  .  .“Physically impossible”.  .  .  D.B.
                              Backgammon Club (12       Focus .  .  .  Seattle . . .
                                     Chess Club (12
                                 Focus Staff (11,  12
                         Focus Layout Editor (11,  12
                           Performing Arts (9,  10,  11
                                 Quill and Scroll (12
                       School Citizenship Award (11
                                     Social Action (9
                               Sports Committee (11
                          Sunshine Committee (9,  10
             Teacher's Aide in Physical Education (12
                            Thespian Society (11,  12
                                     Who’s Who (11

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