Page 72 - Carrollton 1979
P. 72

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                                Academic Committee (11)
                               Backgammon Club (9,  12)
                                  Blue Team Captain (12)
                                         Chess Club (12)
                                    Prom Committee (12)
                             Social Action  (9,  10,  11,  12)
                           Sports Committee (10,  11,  12)
                                 Sunshine Committee (9)
                                         Who’s Who (11)

   Notes... Monty’s ... Telephone... The Key... B eep.             MARIA VICTORIA WARNER
   Blue Team  .  .  .  Loca .  .  .  Pancho .  .  .  Mongo  Fongo .  .         October 28,  1961
   “Where’s Mari?”.  .  .  Beach bum .  .  . “Say What”.  .  .
                                                            “Even now I dread the big choices
                                                            which loom up in my life -
                                                            What college? What career?
                                                            I am afraid,  I feel uncertain.
                                                            I can now see,  as from a valley,
                                                            the roads lying open for me,
                                                            But I cannot see the end -
                                                            the consequences.
                                                            Oh,  I love now,
                                                            with all my fears and forbodings,
                                                            for now I still am not compeletely molded.
                                                            My life is still just beginning.
                                                            I am strong.
                                                            I long for a cause to be devoted to.”
                                                            Sylvia Plath

                                                            “Take your time
                                                            Think a lot
                                                            Think of everything you’ve got
                                                            For you will still be here tomorrow
                                                            But your dreams may not.”
                                                            Cat Stevens
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