Page 75 - Carrollton 1979
P. 75
Here we are, the famous class of It’s the senior generation,
’79. The reputation that preceded us as Come and watch the seniors win.
Freshmen could hardly be ignored. C’mon C’mon C’mon
and watch the seniors win.
We had more vitality and spirit than C’mon C’mon C’mon
the high school could handle! let’s put the spirit in.
But, our story is only beginning to On the field or in the pool,
be told, as one chapter of our lives is ’79 will always rule.
ending. The memories of our achieve So C’mon C’mon (clap clap-clap clap)
ments and high school days will guide C’mon C’mon (clap clap-clap clap)
our every step. Watch the Seniors win today!
The spirit of ’79 will forever be a
part of each and every one of us.