Page 179 - Carrollton 1992
P. 179
T o o u r frie n d s : “ You d o n ’ t sto p
laughing because you grow old; You
grow old because you stop laughing.”
We love you all and thank you!
Q u o 4
C a r o l i n a C a l z a d a
Class of 1992
We are very proud of you, Carola,
but then ... we always have been!
Congratulations to you and all the
Class o f 1992.
A great big THANK YOU to all the
wonderful teachers throughout
the years — especially Miss Janet.
C A R R O L L T O N , thanks fo r the
mem ories
and for a wonderful education.
Mami, Papi, Nicky, Nana,
Abuela, Abuelita Sc Annie