Page 183 - Carrollton 1992
P. 183

ine-hmc  is  com in
                                                               1                        &*<J  qocdbijt; Wi+htCai*

                                                          v  V    ■  ^    T   * in  q o j t   e y e s   a n d   m e m o r i e s  t f o t

                                                            | f      ^will  never die*  Hemet  Q>     ■ w '*
                                                                     strangers  andL new  we  leave.

                                                               I         aS  friends -  The  teyinnira^H

                       | L      j f l .                                        seems  ail  so  far away

                                                                                                   too dose.  ^
                 ^                                                                         a  change When

                                                  J jB         ^         down  the  hail  becomes a  memory  OltcJL

                         WL                                           ^©ur  -theme.  Sor\g  becomes  a.  favorite

                                                 W  j '         melody.  There  vvi/i  iot row- f m e S    f i U d i    A

                                                         with  fear  but  you  "ill foe.  them -Hnrtugh  for you'v?^®
                |L\    * 1                       got  Christ-  in  you.,  (=jcd  newer  promised  stability  but *
                                           he  promised  Strength  -fo  see  -the.  bad  times  through.  i ^ i

                               ^^^^TberE. will  be  few  friends  kxet- those  who  are  (rue  will
                              &-  ycu  through.  ftvd,  thoSe.  you  axid  good bye. +d

                 ^ ^ uJill  sfcu^  in  your  hta/t  rund  will  never  port.  fo;  lootc
                 Ahead  with a  Clear  view  for  £/al  ard J   win alurwjs  be-Hninta'ng  ^ h l ^ B M M K

                                            ** Blizdbc-H)  3arroI                                    . 1 nmB
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