Page 38 - Carrollton 1992
P. 38
Carolina M. Calzada
Ju n e 27, 1974
aro.Carola,Car,Cars,FANG,Floops-abba-floops ... Melly, I can’t find
iy H air..M A -Project D :the chickenhaw ks at sunset, how arethefer-
:ts?..M aite-te-te-ta..A vocado+..G um by+Pokey..4-23-89:M aite,it’ll be
jo l (Fam ous last w ords)..Let’s split it EVENLY..pillow p e o p le.Jet’s
ike a n ap ..w o o d en ro o f..P R O -M A S T E R :w h a t IS th a t?..M o m ’s
est..we are so intim id ating ..M R C + B ig 5 p arties..o p en house in
19..Disney 89 w /M A:There you go.Top 10 fears..did you lose your
arents?..IC-the Pistols+JR,Chem ical diets+Shaklee..(Pitusa did it on
ie tram p o lin e)..C ris:W h y D o n ’tY ou Sh u tU p ?..P ate?W h oseP ate?..
Ch:Hey,M ON...Patty,tell the LaFayette story!.. G et up and bah the
o o r..I AM th e M afia P rin ce s s..H C -I’m n o ta n e m o tio n a lw reck ..
QOH ... Patty’s apartm ent 4-29-90:1 love you,Peter..W ordsofwisdom-
yMark. Q u ’est-ce q u e c 'e s t? C ’estu n p ap ier..P M O -sto p , A ttilla..
a t,w h istleth eG o d fath erth em e.-B an g k o k B a n g k o k w /PM O +C F..
h u ck ie.B u b b a ’s co m in g !..P eter,w h y d oyou in siston d oin g th at?.. are so intim idating+sarcastic.anyhow .. W hirlies,A rgiles+
lickey..Vanilla Brow n..Kelly’s Party..M achismow/Alex+NM ..M arta-
iy #1 candidate..O M -w hat’s shakin’ bacon ?..B elen Sr.Prom w/PF.
elen H om ecom ings ’90+ ’91 ... X-M AS form als, trollies+cocktails..
pringbreak 1990 w/PMO+PF.. A nnie(superchaperona).. NewYears
0+ 91..SouthBeach riots..N ew O rleans’91..F ou ntain Hoopingw /IC,
C ,I0..1eav m ypoord ogalone..Pattyegged Su zette...W u zU p?.. M ich-
U2z.eezters? N O T ..C F-thatsnotacat..A nnie,Ithinkhelikesm e.. what-
v e i ... M A ,A K ,C B,C B,M A ,C F,H C ,PM O ,N M ,M R,LS,A L,C C ,IC ,M C ,
M , C d lH (all the M afia,of course)-than ks guys..M am i.Papi,N icky,
[ana, Abuela,Peter+Pitusa:I love you m ore than you’ll ever know..I
tade itxM e Fui..Bye,C arrollton-It’s been REAL!
Vhen we rem em ber we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and
ife stands explained.
M ark Twain
O n e may sm ile, and sm ile, and be a villian.
W illiam Shakespeare