Page 43 - Carrollton 1992
P. 43
Letizia Chiaruttini
Caracas, Venezuela
•I 15/74...and so the m em ories began...Letizia...Leti...Lele...Cara
cas. ...M argarita...Rom e...N ora:D id you brush your hair?...C han
dra: Princess G race...M ana:H ow d o you do# 9...C aro:H ey m an,
Mikc...Ana:mv Close-Up room m ate...Cris:San Antonio de Padua, I
Any relation to M ona?...we’re rebels at heart...Sawgrass Mills with I
AI..CdlH ,CC...Close-U p *91...quote fanatic...toooo funny...X-Mas I
Form al trolley ’8 9 ...Junior R etreat...Pierre...K ey Biscayne...Epcot I
*91 ...C la r ita A n n e B ro w n ...q u e g a n a s ...s tiu p id ...e s to y I
hvsterica...que boch orm term ino la guachafiL..que rata...un I
p eca d o m o rta l...R ich a rd -B a m B a m ...q u e te p asa...L ov e You I
T o u e m a fia...P retty W o m an ...O h , P a te tie ...K e lly ’s I
p a rty .. . s tr e s s ...m ig r a in s ...Ju n io r rin g c e re m o n y ...E r a s u re - I
O h,PA um ur...C lass o f ’92:w e finally m ade it...M s. Boyd & Ms. I
Cendoya: thanks for m aking my high-school years all the m ore
sp e cia l...( a is:l wish you all the best in G eorgetow n, I ’ll miss
y o u ...('.a ro lith a n k s fo r b e in g su ch a g r e a t
friend...Tiz,M am i,Papi:gracias por todo, los quiero m ucho...“ So I
b efo re we end and then begin , we’ll drink a toast to how it's [
been. A few m ore hours to be com plete, a few m ore times that I I
can say. I’ve loved these days” (B illy Joel).
“ It’s tim e fo r m oving on my friends. H old back all the
tears and sorrow. It finally is tim e to go our separate ways.
And I want to wish you well my friends as we search for
new tomorrows. G o as you must, but please don t forget
the yesterdays.”
Don Besieg
' ’N othing in life is It) be feared. It is only to be under
M arie Curie
“ Para el iiuindo no eres nadie, pero para alguien eres el
m undo.”