Page 44 - Carrollton 1992
P. 44

“T h e sim plest questions are  the most
                                                                   '   profound
                                                                    W here were you born?
                                                                    W here is your hom e?
                                                                    W here are you going?
                                                                    W hat are you doing?
                                                                    T hin k about these on ce in a while and watch
                                                                    your answers ch ang e.”
                                                                                           -Richard Bach

  |7/4/88destmationJamaica..Nutmeg,really?..ENFP..Shift  it..Wi ja   pre-
  lns..KEL:THE  PARTY..0 1 A IR E ,  You’re  on  fire!(w alrus’4ever)..Crew:
  |7OUS PRETS?..Nall.Lampoons  15 ’s..R&Ishoppingdays..P)anA&B, Fully
  liplishcd,skillfully en joyed..Washington Square..CHARLES:do we live a
  le  life?..AI,’s  Eden  Rock  Adventure  Night..Belen  Grad.Party’90..TH E
  L..Flam ingo(hearl  o f darkness  tou r)..JU L E S:T h e  Redlands?..Sw ing
  J-.Mark AFitony:my devotion  stand s..PT Y P..R Q B :G arcia’s  8c  on  too
  n   to  m e n tio n ..C H A N D R A f’ M a   p rin c e s s ” re m e m b e r   th e
  ..NYC..HENRY:Bubba  ru lesLSpring  break’91:B&H & D.Coke..YaGot-
  |»lts?..Titling  W/  MAMA  D O R K ..S.D .& “ T h e   Shady  O n e ” ..STIN G
  RON:I  miss  you!..BlueCaddyCrew ..LA   M A FIA ..TrollyPeople..C C :4-
  bt.B ’s..B O Z :A rg iles& B u d ,sig n s b f   tru e   e x c e lle n c e ..  F o u n ta in
  b in g ..IG G Y :T h eR o m an R o o m ?..(C .B .)2 ..C A R O :S h ak lee& C h em i-
  |ets..CARI.OS  L .:“ Stu d M u ffih ,m ak e  a  fashion  sta tem en t” ..T h c-
  Bs-.News  Cafe..SUZ  E.:G ood  Luck!..A m orVeniV e..IhaveN oCom puta-
  M Sk ills!..R A .C B .C C JS.C G .K O .L S .A L .C F .H C .I  Love  You  G uys!..
  l&Dad Thanx for putting up W/ m e!..It’s Over

                                            “ Is  living  you r  life  ind oors  safer
                                            w h en   it  p o u rs  th e   flo o d   th a t’s
                                            com ing your way will carry you out
                                            som eday  this  show er  never  stops
                                            so  take  in  every  drop  and  if  they
                                            ask you why you  tell  them   in  reply
                                             that it’s raining”
                                                            -Rene Alvarez
                                                                  F.T.N .
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