Page 50 - Carrollton 1992
P. 50
Jan et H errera
Ju n e 2, 1973
Lima, Peru
U, Ja n ,Ja n itI.a C hina, N O T Je a n e tte ...
Bill, Eureka, Eca, Boom -Boom , W endilina
H truvs we’ve been through it all;
^■ss who called.-' D id we talk fo r 2 h rs.r O h n o th e r e ’s a bus
Mind!! W endy, “ A lex is b ack ” British Lit. Cris, “ w here are the
■ tie# ” Jenny, “J e \ais an stade en autobus” Danny’s 3 easy tap
i c i n g le sso n s , “ m en a re d o g s ’ ’ Iw as n o t d a n c in g on th e
le!!!( 10-31-90) 'Ju n io r R etreat* W en. “ th e m an with the silver
A" Ferni, m y security blanket, “ aim ” “ plug it in ” Fern , Em i, Dan,
Ac big ‘P’ question’-’ *E p co l* Erica, they stoled the w heelchair..
% arable land” ... ZULU “ Kenny the je r k ” Leli, you’re a bliburb..
[ i j . dramas. (5-25-91) T om and Jerry', Mr. B ean, Sue, my friend
■nigh die years I love ya lots.. ♦B iltm ore* Falls (8-10-90) Mi. & Ma.
i ’l4 g c l (M .L.J.& J.J.D .) * Beach ap artm eiit*(8-10-91)
he future is an opaque m irror. Anyone who tries to look into it
nothing but the dim outlines o f an old and worried face”
Jim Bishop
lie reason why worry kills m ore people than work is that m ore
ftple worry1than w ork"
-R obert Frost
T o H .E.W . I ca n ’t seem to find the words to tell you three
how m uch you guys m ean to m e. Thank-you for all die advice
and for putting up with my m oodiness, and even if we sepa
rate, you guys will always be in my heart..
T o Papi y M am i, G racias por todo lo que han h echo por mi.
Siem pre estare ju n to a ustedes. M am i, gracias p o r no sola-
nicn te ser mi niadre pero mi m ejor am iga ...