Page 54 - Carrollton 1992
P. 54
Wendy Lorelie Macias
August 7, 1974
Queens, New York
It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never
beginning to live.
Marcus Aurelius
I may be able to speak the languages o f m en and even
o f angels, bu t if I have no love, my speech is no m ore
than a noisy gong o r a clanging bell.
1 C orinthians
T h e lip s o f w isdom are clo se d ,
excep t to the ears o f understand
T h e Kybalion
It is the fragm ented m ind w hich
does n o t see the thing as it is.
i ’m being sarcastic... wendy ,gw endolyn,gordita,flaquita,nani,m osquito,w endum s.w
was quite interesting...TR O O PS-m arch l-2-3-4...i’m always late...i was not...hey sweetie, wat’s up...he
did not...d ream in’ never killedanyone...iknow w hati’m doing...trustrne..disconites(FS)...som any,solit-
tletim e...and what is ur excuse?...all i need is a m iracle...reggae...socadance...w ho said what?...would
ya m ake up ur m ind already!...w hat would i do w ithout cU U U te...el degree
tu rn o n u s l...u r a life sa v e r-w h a t fla v o r? ...C A N E S vs n o le s ...ju n io r r e tr e a t (silv e r-e y e d
m an) ...en cou n ter...h allow een e grove...denny’s...lim e key ’92...pow rdom e ’9 1 ...rem em ber the
uniform less m an!!...w endy & h eath er - parallel plots...ep cot ’91...eca-H O T T U N A !...i’m going to
fa il...i h a v en ’t stu d ie d !!.,.(m r.d e e n d e e n )...d in g (JH )+ d o n g (A A )= d in g d o n g sq u ared m m er
’9 1 ...tu fts(v eh u s)b osto n e m em ories...JA ,L D S.B M m m er ’90...france/sw itzerland(w ill live
there som ed ay)’s cousintim e...w at age lim it...le ch ariot,le est g eniale!...I
A M N OTABADDRTVER.ijustdon’thavem yglasseson... noway!... heat, canes, phines, skins! !!...A A ,DJ,ERhi
story),N M ,CI...1992claSs...ilovey'all...goodluck...takecare...i'llalw aysrem em,m om m y,kats,jul
es.rob bie,anaJH ,E R ,H ank s for all ur love 8c support...i love u with all my h e art!!...i’ll miss u,
but i’ll be back...w e’re out-a-here...90m ph...boom alert!!!
L O S T v
trough many dangers, toils and Y es, w h en th is h e a r t an d fle sh
ares, shall fail,
lave already com e; A nd m ortal life shall cease;
yas grace hath brought m e safe I shall possess within the veil
us far A life o f o y and peace.
lid grace will lead m e hom e. N ana Mouskouri