Page 101 - Carrollton 2005
P. 101

g O qa ^tra d iva riu s^a fe  Dominguez and Katie Duerr (left) captivate the audience with their music. First graders. Martina Zuluaga
 ria Lopez-Trujillo, and Kateri Boink (above right) sing their hearts out.                       '

                                                         Pulling the
                                                         Strings of our
                                                         Hearts.  Kristen
                                                         Cullen, Diana
                                                         Sofia Rodriguez,
                                                         and Carolina
                                                         Gomez display
                                                         their musical
                                                         skills to every­
                                                         Taming the
                                                         Bow. Tatiana
                                                         expresses her
                                                         love for the

 otogies.  Kindergarteners Gaby Llanes
  rlotte Griffin are all dressed up for the
                                                                                   December 2004
                                             Today is our classes 'advent play. I'm really nervous to go in front of
                                             everyone and my tummy hurts too. My mommy and daddy are here
                                             to watch me. I’m going to sing, play the violin and dance in my pretty

                                             princess dress11picked my dress out yesterday after looking at lots of
                                             different stores all week.  For the First time, my mommy let me wear
                                             tip gloss. My best friend and I are performing together. Its going to
                                             be a lot o f fun because i have never starred in a play before. I'm so
                                             excited, I've been waiting for this all year and its almost time!!! Well,
                                             wish me luck guys.

                                     *M a k e  a                                   n o ise !

                                                                              Christmas  Lvents       99
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