Page 104 - Carrollton 2005
P. 104
Varsity Basketball
Bus Fun! Claire Cuddihy,
Bianca Pittaluga, Katherine I
Wolfsthal, Alex Pizzi, Alex Mai£
Stephanie Maspons, and Paoi|
Ramos have fun on the busH
Being part of
team has been a
e x p e j z j e tNe.. We've
had so m uch/ujl
Coach Ladon, Paola Ramos, Francesca Rufin. Amanda Martinez, Alex Pizzi, Alex Manick. Middle Row: Hianca
Pittaluga, Katherine Wolfsthal, Carolina Sitterson, Stephanie Maspons. Bottom Row: Claire Cuddihy, Sophia; in practice and]
Pittaluga, Daniela Calderon.
have Donaccf
Junior High Basketball a lot in our houn
long bus rides J
The team is I
young and f *clu
of EN ER G Y,!
-fienior Captain
Paola Ramosl
Coach Javier Figueroa, Andrea Erkelens, Ashley Bahamon, Jennifer Villa, Alexa Testerman, Maria Tupini,
Manager Susana Sanclemente, and Coach Maria Elena Acra. Bottom Row: Alexandra Klumpp, Sofia Sitter
son, Shadia Martin, Daniela Calderon, Sophia Pittaluga, and Claire Cuddihy.
102 December