Page 287 - Carrollton 2008
P. 287

All Thy works with jo y surround Thee,

                                         God of glory,  Lord of Love;,  ]  1  Y

                                  Stars and angels sing around Thee,  I (/

                                         Center of unbroken praise.

                                 Field and forest,  vale and mountain,

                                      Flowery meadow,  flashing sea,

                                 Chanting bird and flowing fountain,

                                          Call us to rejoice in  Thee.  \ts7SK

                                                     -Heriiy Van I)vke f 185^1
                                             from the\hymn  "Joyful, )p\tful}tyye'^idorQ Theft" ^

               High School

               Students in the high school were reminded of our stewardship of the earth in man^wpvsr  Environmental
               issues were addressed in all of the science ■classes'including habitat destruction, global,|Warmirig, ozone
               depletion, genetically rffodjfied food and endangered species,  junior .Gabriels Gonzalez, with the'help
               of her classmate^; began a campaign td reduce the use of plastics by enrauraging us tmuse.fenvasj|ags 4|
               instead of paper or plastic,at the groCerv store. The sophomores this year wrote research papers,topp)
               the effect of Arctic ice loss on South Florida, the pros and cons of thexelebtric caryand human ver^ps
               environmental factors affecting wit wate? intrusion. All the sophomorp\WQntTfiTa=field trip to FairchilcLr Jp*

               Tropical Garden to investigate the plant kingdom and learn^abouf adaptations plants make specific to J
               different environments. Some of the students ata) participated injanTnvirdnmentaHmmeT&on Day
               at Oleta River Stato. Rflrk. Senior Zahra Babies, a wpfer for "The Beat,"'also dida series of artT<dest|n
               environmental issues. Students also participated in thed!007-2008 Fairchild Challenge for high schools.
               The Class of 2008 gift To, most appropriately/an oal^tree.  - Befj] Lindeman

               Junior  High

               The Junior High  Ecology Club 20QZ-2008 accomplishments include: organizing club goals for the year;
               participating in the Coastal Cleamup^eAting ecology-themed collages with recyclable?; writing letteraB
               to the Governor in favor of solar povygr;  using the money from last veai/s Fairchild Challenge awardf  ,
               to promote paper recycling at ( .arrolIton, weeding, watering, imtintena~hce~Tnd new planting pf the
               courtyard iTowef garden;  refurbishing of last “gear s butte rtiygardeicpromuUng new  pa pen recvCjijbg^'
               sponsoring a bird of prey (great hornedmvlj at the Miami Museum ot Science;
               about recycling to the Primary/and Intermediate £chuol students: promoting an el^gffttf^c Red Envelbpp;
               creating botanical labels for the butterfly garden; raising $ 100 for the Humane Society; participating^
               the Pine Rockland clean-up at A.D.  Barnes Park:  eMoandfngJh&djuijterflv garden With,new uative^plknts)/,
               participating in the "CleanOpTGreen uplconfest; executing a recwlingjroprestBetween teachers**^
               and students to increase awareness^arx+promote corrupt recycling? ^onsjjfing a l9tiij<e salp to benefit
               transferred primates from FEfFrot lunele to the Center for Gre^LApes, Wauchula, Florida* conducting a
               fundraiser for endangered aqifatir mampsafs;  participating in the Baynanjf^lean-upysponsoring the
               lunior High  Earth  Day Prayer Service; treating and presenting to the junior High a PowerPoint on water
               conservation;  participating in the 2007-2008 Fairchild Challenge for Middle Schools;  and securing
               National Wildlife Habitat designation for the Junior High through the National Wildlife Fund.  - Irmina

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