Page 288 - Carrollton 2008
P. 288

Intermediate School

            CDAFie^ycling program really vyorks! Class representativesin the fourth, fifth and sixth grades were in charge

          /^of th^ daily1recycling programf Each day tHevdesfgqated a team of Big and Little Sisters, one student from
          /  §5cl| grade, to collect plastiqiterris fifdra4ach,cgcycfing container inside and outside of El Jardin. Early in the
          I  yeafi tBe sixth grade presented a PowerPoint at agsejjrok erpphasizing the importance of taking care of the
            terrace area,during snack and lunch time becausmour garbage could blow down to the bay. We were moti­
            vated to help pFie another to be serious.about throwing aw^y, garbage and recycling plastic, cans and paper.
           AA/erpourdd water left id bottleMSn the pjantf'Befpre recycling them.  In each classroom we were careful to
          J  re^ycleWferything pic^sib|e/daily,-and y g g r e - m t h a t  every classroom has containers to help us do this.
             *  In order tojgave paper prpductywe encouraged all students to use laptop to take notes and email
          .Aork,,as wqllps to efeate,ptojebts'from recycledjmat^rials. Students gjetf recycled children's books and
           Tsuppjies by donating them to the Notre I fame DayyCenter,Jackson  Hospital's Pediatric Center and the
           ) Redlands Migrant Centep
               In art class, the fourth gradebumed.olrbwater and soda bottle^ intg_a Ghihuly sculpture. The fifth grade
            collected plastic chip bags and turned them into beautiful wpven bracelets. Physical Education classes par-
          / ticipated in clean-ups from El jardin down to the baw For studies ''Earth  Project," the sixth grade
            investigated sferious ©rfvironmental problems and researched ways to solve th^rff. In Ms. Jones' sixth grade
            •homemOrrji, sthdents\jesignated "grpen'glrl/'lpsh© noticed thattfombone was.,doing something to help the
          fTenvirobment, she rewarded them with a "green prize" sfuch as a flower,  plan to r reusable shopping bag.
            In sqjppce class, students 'created their Own terrariu'ms an.3 aquariums ancf rrfonitored their progress.  They
          ,-Tead. and refleeted on articles/about global warming.
               For the "Acts of Hope for the World"'profect, the fifth gradkinvestigated individuals and groups who are
            making a difference, in the environment. Stbdepts wrote Reflections on the tHemFfoj the year,  "the pres­
            ence pf Cod in all
              ^The fourth,grade science classes studied the Water cyple and th ©importance of water to life in South
            Florida,  In selence and technology classes students researched Everglades'  Habitats and created an
            endangered animal brpchure phd a PowerPoint about their, field trip to Shark Valley.  - Pam Styrsky

            Primary School

            1st Grade: First grade continued to recycle white the blue retycjjqgbmsTWe were also very dili-
          Jgent about recycling our plastic containers. Not only did we recycle.our water bottles but any and all plastic
            containers..We found that  just making sure wg,cleaned up after oursel vesatsnackancl lunch made a huge
          ^diffgi'briee.  Lastly^irsrgradj& alsoTbSk m^ponsibility foT pieking'up any garbage regardless of whose it was.

          /2nd Grade:  In second grade, students tried to remember to recycle in and out of the classroom. We also
            did betterJn the classrp,o,m with  recycling ourTvhite paper. We.wilLeohtmu^to remind ourselves and each
          pother so recycling becomesplfcond nature and we keep oubcampus" an d world more beautiful.

          r3rd Grade:  In third grade, We tried to recycle our materials everyday. We made a point tojhink about w hy
           we re^felejmd where-our recycled items Belong. We also, reminded each other to help keep our campus
            be&utiful. We learned how to prepare, grow, and harvest our gardep, ^getables/herbs, and flowers. We
           did not use chemicals, but'natural help our garden grow.  - Ruth Young

                                       "The school teaches respect for creation
                           and prepares students to be stewards o f ther earth's resources."

                                       from the Coals and Criteria ofSacred Heart education

                                             Printed on Tri- Certified (FSC,  SFI, and  PEFC)
                                               Centura stock with a minimum of 10%
                                                   postconsumer recycled fiber.
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