Page 59 - Carrollton 2008
P. 59
by Zclmi Rizo-Patron '14
September 2b, 2007 was the dress down day for the It was great how everyone at Carrollton responded to l
fundraiser to help the children of Peru. After the terrible the need of the children in Peru. This project was a great*
earthquake in Peru, many people lost their family, friends, example of Coal III "A social awareness which impels t o l
houses, schools and churches. It was winter and they were action" and we should be proud of it. I also believe that
in need of water, food, shelter and clothes. When we found as privileged people, with loving and caring families and a l
out, we thought that it would be a great idea to organize great education have more responsibility toward the people i
a fundraiser to send help to Peru. We also thought that in need and it is our job to help them. I am very happy to *
the fundraiser for Uganda turned out great so we used the have been part of this project and it was a great experience. I *
same idea lor this one. I was impressed by the number of learned that from helping people you get a very good feeling I
people who wanted to help with this project and also how of satisfaction and that much more can be accomplished!
well the Carrollton Network worked, and because of this, when you work together for a good purpose. I also learned!
the project was a success! We raised more than $5,800 that a little help can mean something big to other people,!
w ith the T-shirts and separate donations w hich went especially knowing that you are cared for and people are l
toward the reconstruction of the school in Hujama Alt.ill willing to help you.