Page 64 - Carrollton 2008
P. 64
The freshmen also had a blast
WELCOME at Ropes Course. Early in the
FRESHMAN morning, the excited classmates
boarded busses for the FIU
WEEK & campus, and when they arrived
ROPES they were greeted with friendly
smiles and were ready to have
fun. The freshmen enjoyed a
COURSE variety of activities such as rock
climbing, tight rope walking, and
by S ofia D a c c a re tt-C h a r '11 walking on wooden poles 40 feet
high in the air. Ropes Course helps
The Class of 2011 spent freshmen gain the confidence to
a great "Welcome Freshman accomplish whatever they set
Week" for which the juniors came their minds to.
up with the hilarious theme of
famous men. There were a variety Both Welcome Freshman Week
of costumes ranging from Fred and Ropes Course are clear
Flintstone to Elvis, even to Adam. examples of Goal Four- "the
Each junior chose her "little building of community as a
lister" and a costume theme. The Christian value." The freshmen
first day, the upper and lower were welcomed by the community
classwomen had lunch together with open arms during Welcome
and the last day there was a Freshman Week and did some
contest to see which freshman great community building during
took on their character best. The Ropes Course.
freshmen got the chance to meet
many high school girls to make
their High School experience that
.muck better! ^