Page 16 - Carrollton 1995
P. 16

The week that begaEon October gph/was
          nationally recognized as Red Ribbofi "Vv^ek-
          Throughout the United States, bren ts an®
         students share and promote this week ded J
           icated to drug awareness and preyemicMf
         The Carrollton Community took the-ti#ie to
            reaffirm thenmportan'ce. i f
                                      1           fib

          Red Ribbons were distributed scttpolMijll*,
            The Lower School wore
          entire week, while the Middle-School dfecl®
            rated their classrooms and made|pOS@p
            commemorating this yearly event, a ®  no
           high school, ninth grader, Irene [fifeiglfd'd;
             was recognized iwthe Dade ^Oun%^Red
         Ribbon Week Celebration as first place win­
             ner in the Dosterconliifett; iirehielg^ter
           also placed second in the state oLrtbihida-

             On Tuesday .^October 2|jtb, -Mprypg
         bonell, who is the Director of Drug R chabnfl
             itation Services at South l^iarrtiMo.S^ifulB
             came to the High School and shared|jfjl
           personal experiences with drugs and .alco­
               hol.    CarbonelI also ’made^Students
          aware of the dangers and coin sequences of
              drug abuse. That Friday; students j|r|>;in
                Ransom-Evergiades High School also
             joined the High School students in peer

                 counseling sessions, where students  ■
          learned what types of behavior lead, to drug
                  use and how to avoid this behavior.
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