Page 54 - Carrollton 1995
P. 54



                                    " Critical thinking  and  college

                                   level writing is a requirement."

                                                Carrolton  School  is  very  inter­  one of the major dimensions to
                                              ested  in  helping  to  develop  well   life.  Students are  exposed  to a
                                              rounded young women. The facul­     variety of religions,  providing
                                              ty and staff join to construct a bal­  them with a greater sense of the
                                              anced curriculum for the students,   world. The structure and diversi­
                                              including  English,  Religion,  Sci­  ty  of the  classes  mentioned
                                              ence, and Math.                     above  is also  introduced  in  the
                                                The  Carrollton  English  depart­  Science classes.
                                              ment emphasizes  the  importance       Carrollton's  Science  Depart­
                                             of critical thinking, therefore incor­  ment  has  been  dedicated  to
                                             porating it into all of its courses at   expanding the minds of its stu­
                                             the  appropriate  level.  In  order to   dents  and  preparing  them  for
                                             begin  this  long  and  tedious      the  competition  of the  outside
                                                                                  world.  It  has  recently added  to
                                                   "The  Science  Depart­         its  curriculum  the  freedom  of
                                                                                  advancing  for  one's  own  per­
                                                   m e n t  g iv e s   us  the
                                                                                  sonal growth and college credit.
                                                   opportunity  to explore
                                                                                  The  students  are  able  to
                                                   ou r  m in d   and  ou r
                                                                                  advance in the summer in order
                                                  potential."                     to reach a higher level of learn­
                                                    -   Angie Romano -            ing. The lessons of organization
                                                                                  and grammar are not only seen
                                                                                  in  their  respective  classes  but
                                             process, vocabulary is implement­    also transcends throughout the
                                             ed  into  the  classes  to accompany   other  one's,  including  math­
                                             writing and  literature.  The depart­  ematics.
                                             ment also  provides a wide variety      The  Math  Department  has
                                             of electives for those who desire to   recently added  to  its  high  level
                                             exceed their English requirements.   curriculum an entertaining twist.
                                             This  strategy  for  increasing  one's   The math classes are now using
                                             knowledge is also seen in the Reli­  graphing calculators in order to
                                             gion department.                     see  their  work.  This  helps  to
                                               The Religion program at Carroll­   maintain the students motivated
                                             ton is based on the Judaeo-Christ-   and  interested in learning while
                                             ian principles and strongly empha­   keeping them up with the rest of
                                             sizes the spiritual aspect, as being  the technological society.
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