Page 56 - Carrollton 1995
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                                      Carrollton  keeps  us  up  with

                                    technological society.                                  //

                                                 Em phasizing  diversity  and      selves  through  another  lan­
                                              excellence,  are  the  History,  the   guage, the language of the fine
                                              Foreign  Language,  the  Fine Arts,   arts.
                                              the  Physical  Education,  and  the    The  Fine  Arts  Department
                                              Computer Departments.                composed  of studio  art,  art
                                                The  History Department offers     and  music  appreciation,  pho­
                                              a  variety  of survey  courses  and   tography,  and  dram a,  has
                                              semester  electives  that  place  an   expanded  over  the  years  to
                                              emphasis  on  the  political,  eco­  provide  Carrollton  students
                                              nomic,  and  social  institutions    with a deeper understanding of
                                              since  the  beginning  of recorded   the  arts.  Another  course  pro­
                                              civilization. All  the courses stress   vided is the Computer Applica­
                                              college  writing  skills  as  well  as  tions course which may also be
                                                                                  seen as art.
                                                                                     The  Com puter  program
                                                   "It  is  a  p r iv ile g e   to   begins  in  the  ninth  grade and
                                                   attend  a  sch o o l  that     can expand by choice through­
                                                   allow s  us  to  express       out  the  follow ing  years.  It
                                                   our individuality."            expands  the  students  knowl­
                                                                                  edge of computer applications
                                                       Kris Hernandez
                                                                                  and  introduces  various  other
                                                                                     Also  incorporated  into  the
                                             creative  thinking.  These  two      Carrollton High School curricu­
                                             requirements  follow  through  to    lum is the Physical Fitness pro­
                                             the  Foreign  Language  and  the     gram, which contains Personal
                                             Computer Departments.                Fitness and Physical education.
                                                The  Foreign  Language  pro­         The  courses  m entioned
                                             gram   has  been  developed  to      above not only provide students
                                             teach  all  aspects  of a  language.   with  the  background  to  under­
                                             These  aspects  range  from  the     stand  a  culture  and  eventually
                                             grammar of the  language  to  the    the world but also give them the
                                             culture  of  the  country  or  coun­  languages which will help them
                                             tries to which it belongs. Students   to  do  so  and  the  health  with
                                             in  the  high  school  are  also     which they may visit the places
                                             encouraged  to  express  them­       they have studied.
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