Page 91 - Carrollton 1995
P. 91
Olivia Anne Mattson
Coral Gables, FI.
Sept. J 7, 1977
I was walking down the street and ... My name is Olivia, people call me helmet-head ... If you should die before me, ask if you can
This is my so called life... The Velvet Creme Club: OAM,MMD,ADL,MMM: Prof.Blah Blah bring a friend.
Blah,Anihita,I call 3,we need help, no I don't want 2 walk home.Finese Chire -Stone Temple Pilots
Drill.I'm retaining the Atlantic.Estop sign,Hotwheel's,Footloose,Beach'94 w / 6 bottles
of ice,3-some the best square.welcome 2 the jungle.ride'em cowboy .This is Ameri
ca,Suzuki: moment o f silence,totally 80's,Hi how ya doin',I'm not getting off.Mot
it,Yes,ThereisnojoyineasysaiIing,U8dtyoHbeat,Asi!,Out of State,Mo topic left alone.ele-
phant ju ic e ... MD: "T h e D evil",P h ilo so p h y,H o n o r S c h in d ler.d o u still
wonder?,hook'er,duck!... ADL: U have nice earsjudgem ent nite WAKE-UP!,How did u
get.2- the golf course?,CUinBC ... MMM: Sit, Ubbu, Mater 7th gr.,Culver:neveragain,5
Iongyears.but I stillluvU!... Arle: U freak.thanxs 4 all the rides everywhere,could I have
my cd's back. Yes,I'll help U study, my b-room is still dad cooked,U wanna
stay?, Juno'94,yes,l'm a little vechlem nt ... LEK: "The Princess",look.they're
fuzzyl.Manuela's 9/9/94,France: How could we ever 4 -g e t... Manuela: Another freak,
parties at ur house,ur Bl-day,France-the best 6f the worst.attraction 2 H20, Juno'94,
Laura's house on my B-day,Pink Quick: U swore revenge.R we Having A Moment?!,
CUinBC2 ... TR: U narcoleptic, mudmasks,B-Fusion,chillin' at ur house.what movie do
we watch?,the fashion police... DB: La Mica Juno w/Arle, Manuela, & Me,we know Mat-
uralBomKillers is ur fav.wipe that stupid smile off ur face.leaving the car on w/ the keys
inside, HeyJamesEarUones.we luv U ... MG: la Otra Mica, play my fav song.NF-what
were we thinkingLMass in K.B.,will U pis slow dwn?!,IL advice,GF advice,que lio ...
Speaking of GF: thanx 4 the best 4 yrs.,&Mr. Congeniality,X-mas 4-m al'91,talks,when-
h a v e w e e v e rg o tte n a lo n g ? ,o u r"fig h ts",G o d fo rb id w e sh o u ld
Greg,Ithinkweneed2talk,Bpleasant, isLoro&Taylorclosing?,we've been thru so
much,the Feos: my second family,I luv u all very much ... CM: Ditz, Perdue, what's with
the h air? !,p o in tless trips in ur car ... W asm er girls: my.
"sisters",eyebrows&makeovers,Mat:,girls,ur the best ... LV: another lost
l,X-country, ithinkljustsawaflyingcow,cut-down fights ... AnaG: I hope we're still
friends. Ethics 10th gr.,ZG,me Sf ice cream (it's only a joke),the slap heard'roundthe
CCHS gam e ... Annie &Tlff: R there any moves u guys haven't seen? ... MatSfCrisM.:
Hooters ... CrisP.& Mat: Tyson chicken at Mat's house,lsa: D u have $0.50? ... All my
friends: I luv u all, thanx 4 th m em ories^ guys rock my world!,take care & b good ...
Mom & Dad: I owe U so much,thanx 4 the support,! luv U very much ... Max & Abby:
the best dogs, I luv U 2 ... Carrollton:.It's been real!... Bytheway,yes,ldotalk 2 myself!
Here's U:Blah,Blah,Blah.Here's me:Buh-Bye!!! Wait,I'm a little vechlment.
And so' today my world it smiles, your hand in mine
we walk the miles. Thanks to you it will be done, for
you to me are the only one.
-Led Zepplin