Page 94 - Carrollton 1995
P. 94

Cristina Maria Navarro
               Charleston, South
                  March 8,  1977

                                                  My name  is  much  too common.  Worst year o f my life,  but finally over.  Don't feel
                                                like writing much. Ages ago; Played like a cello; what com es around goes around, be
                                                prepared.  Ninth  grade,  1  big grounding.  Seasons change.  Perdue.  Hooter's Club -
                                                Nat D. SC Oli M.  Many acquaintances, little friends - Caro n' Javi thanx for passing the
                                                test,  never failed  me.  Sweety,  I Love You,  my best friend, etc.  Mom,  I must have let
                                                you  down.  Dad,  you  must  be  proud.  Little  siblings,  Michelle,  Oscar,  Gigi  -  can't
                                                believe you look up to me. Abuela, te estrano mucho. Well, if you need to find me I'm
                                                on cloud 9, it's much nicer there. Whatever, ENJOY

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