Page 99 - Carrollton 1995
P. 99

"Chronic remorse is a  most undesirable sentiment.  On  no account
                                                    brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way
                                                    o f getting clean."
                                                                                               -Aldous Huxley

                                                    Pam..Spam..Butter//but  I  prefer  Pamela  ...  I  am   a  winner,  I  am:
                                                    Denise, Jackie,  Natalie, Claudia, we are slackers,  thanks for chang­
                                                    ing my life ... Lo's house =  chipendales ... Wendy's "invader", "check
                                                    baby  1  2 3 4 5 6", Wendel,  hold  hands concentrate count to  1  from
                                                    7,  friends in 9th  friends in  12th,  feeble minds, point your lips,  bon-
                                                   jo u r  ...  Cheddar:  the  recicar  chronicals  ...  recicar's  engagem ent
                                                    shoes, it's pride report time aagh,  notes in  peever's class,  note pad
                                                    creation, you are jewishl, jose:  not another word, mad  hlk sidekick,
                                                    crying  gam e  II,  stay  away  from  phones,  staying  up  for  the  s.a.t.,
                                                    3:00a.m. at Denny's ...  Mayleesa:  hie howe are yoo, can I buy you a
                                                    drink,  hey  there  little  lady,  do  you  com e  here  often,  what  is your
                                                    Sign,  12  years  o f following  each  other  around,  sleepover  truth  or
                                                    d ares,  "Saturday"  and  his  icestealin g  sister,  "gre en ",,  "taco",
                                                    micronOtes, can you braid my hair, procrastinator, have you done it?
                                                    no.  m e  neither,  gold  toothed  bros  incident, youluv  nkotb,  I  got to
                                                    say my my my my my my my,  it don't m ean a hill o f beans ...  Kelli:
                                                    with an i, keyclubconv., how fun at least we ate well, phone bills, no
                                                    one else can m ake me see  the colors that you do lala la lala  lala la
                                                    lalal  ....  Diangie:  thanks for the letters 6f all the times you've called,
                                                    no your  not  like  the  rest,  short  term  memory  ...  Wendy: you  are a
                                                    true vampire,  play the piano  for me,  Iluvchoir...  Mamie: always my
                                                    befri,  I  m iss you  gallagher,  youarethebest,  leaf phoenix &   parent­
                                                    hood, our fashion show, francachaseacar,goatee man.cindytheblob,
                                                    socratestheafro, classic rock, w/b ... Ana R.: Ay I lof it,Aaalbert, under
                                                    the bridge at the funk shop from a distance, jesu s sandals, rolled up
                                                    je a n s  ...  Booboo,Chris:  destiny  at  youth  group,Iloveyouforever,
                                                    epcot 94',  Iruvroo,  the state,  this  is  for my  homey,  easy e,  snoop-
                                                    d ogg,dr.  dre,m iam i  bass,  a  sham e  what  happened  to  nin,  this
                                                    isformyhomey,  myfuturehusband,  ocala  is da  best,  cristian  nite  at
                                                    the  rink,  the waltz,  MKII,  I  lub  bideo gam es,  our blue friend,  dade-
                                                    land  is  evil,  llostmykeys,  yeah,trikas,  chaos  in  leary  ...  Thank you
                                                    .,  for being alive  ...  Mom,Dad,  &  john:  it has been  rough  but you'll
                                                    never know how much I care, lloveyou ... Abuelita Schultz thanks for
                                                    the advice lloveyou..Abuelita,Abuelito carmona lloveyou..Melanie as
                                                    my befri you must be my neigh .... Chris, we will make it, it's just you
                                                    and m e baby.. To my class: you were all well worth my four years.
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