Page 133 - Carrollton 2015
P. 133
Mandarin language student, Gabriela
Garrity '20, spent spring break at M 'Lr
the Sacred Heart High School
for Girls in New Taipei City. She stayed
with Yu-Ting (Ruby) Kang who came
to Carrollton as an exchange student
in February, Gabriela reflects, "I learned that the world is smaller than I thought it
was. I felt so lucky to be on the other side of the planet, going to school and making
friends. I have sisters of the Sacred- Heart who follow the same Goals of love and
faith, I learned that the quality of friendship is the same around the world."
(Bottom) BioBlitz on the Bay AnaSofia Amayo '19 spent two Eighth Grade Mandarin students Charlee George,
By Virginia Mosceiti' 19 months in Taiwan attending 5? Ivelyn Harris, Carolina Hassun, Gabriela Lorenzo, Andrea
, ■D^Crf3, the Sacred Heart High Dominguez, Ana Sofia, Gomez Rivas-Vazquez. and Ana
On September 14, the Carrollton Sixth, Seventh and Eighth School for Girls in New Taipei City Posada participated in a World Language Immersion trip
Grade classes converged on El Jardin to participate in Carrollton's as an exchange student. to Taiwan.
first ever BioBlitz. Sponsored by Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden,
one o f this year's Challenges invites students: to explore biodiver
sity on their school campus and to see how the 'elated ecosystems
are being preserved. More than 180 students.scoured the bay area Spelling Bee
for plants and animals, formulating, a list of their findings. This list
will soon make its way to Brown University where it will be used All Seventh and Eighth Grade students were invited to participate in the Carrollton Junior High
for research. Spelling Bee, Those who elected to Compete were given 200 National Spelling Bee words
to study. Mrs. Scott and Mr. Pollock chose 40 words from that list and, on February 11, had the
contestants spell them on papec Sophia Morirr and Caroline Cuimo scored a perfect 40 (on
words such as appurtenances, Machiavellian R H
and synecdoche) which necessitated on oral
Spell off They met with Mrs. Scott and Mr.
Po.lock, took their turns spelling aloud, and
after 28 words Sophia Morin emerged the Mm.
winner! Because of her spelling prowess she HiinmiHcmlit
earned the right to represent Carrollton at
the Miami Dade Spelling Bee on March I I,
Seventy seven competitors, all School
champions, assembled at Jungle Island
for the Miami Dade Spelling Bee. All
competitors completed a written segment,
then Sophia waited tensely for an hour while
the judges graded it. Finally, her name was
called (which meant she advanced to the
champions round) and she took the ballroom stage along with 26 other competitors. All were
asked individually to correctly spell their word Into a microphone in front of a panel of judges anc
an audience. A misspelling eliminated a contestant. Sophia correctly spelled her way through
three rounds (noblesse, telecommunications, menhaden) and she was left on stage with .three
other competitors. She was eliminated on vestri and finished 4th In the County, Sophia is the
highest-placing Carrollton student ever.