Page 228 - Carrollton 2015
P. 228
W e lc o m in g th e W e lln e s s C e n t e r
Students, faculty, staff, administration, members o f the Carrollton Board o f Trustees,
alumnae and benefactors joined Sister Cooke for Archbishop Wenski s blessing o f the
new Fernandez and Argiz Families Wellness Center and Mass. The Varsity Volleyball
team was honored to cut the official grand opening ribbon.
By Sophia Bazo ' 17, Brett Burlington ' 17, Olivia Cosio 17, Isabella Del Pino 17, Milanni Garcia
'18, Alexandra Neary ' 18, Daniella Padron ' 18, Linnette Romay ' 18, Gabriela Socarras ' 17 and
Emiliana Soto ‘ 17.
The newest addition to the Duchesne cax.pus is the Wellness Center which students, faculty
and alumnae will put to great use. This state -of-the-art facility has many exciting features
including a weight room, an indoor track, a dance studio, basketball and volleyball courts, a
training room and a sports: shop.
T tti looking forward to practicing in the indoor basketball and volleyball courts, said Freshman
Cecilia Rodriguez, "The Wellness Center is:the gym we've needed for sports and physical
education classes.
'The Wellness Center is not simply a gymnasium... its much more than tha t.. „itis a teaching
facility," explains Headmistress Sister Suzanne Cooke. Students from Montessori 3 through
Twelfth Grade will participate in a variety o f Physical Education: classes in the new facility. "We
want our students to get a quality education and learn how physical activity can help the body
as well as the mind for a healthy life well after graduation," said Debbie Christopher, Teacher
o f Physical Education and Coordinator o f the Physical Education Curriculum at Carrollton .
According to studies conducted in association with the U.S. Department o f Health and.
Human Services Division o f Adolescent and School Health, ''There is substantial evidence that
physical activity can help improve academic achievement, including grades;and'Standardized
test scores."
After-school athletics, particularly volleyball and basketball, will also benefit from the Wellness
Center. The Cyclones are now at a level playing field with other schools since home games,
have become a reality. "I was always a volleyball player and felt that our only fans were our
parents. O ur home games were always at different places, We would ask our friends to come
support us but with everyone's busy schedule this was not possible. The biggest gift is to have
students, faculty, and staff come support the teams. Haying this internal support will create
a fan base for Carrollton,“ said Claudia Garcia '0 3 Assistant Athletic Director. The Wellness
Center is an exciting addition to the community and will motivate the students to exercise and
attend sports games, on Carrollton's doorstep.
A Wellness Center has been a dream for 5 0 years,.. [and] will be enjoyed for another
5 0 years o f Carrollton students and beyond,” said Sister Cooke. "Thanks to the Miguel
Fernandez and: Tony Argiz families and many other donors, the Carrollton community has
made this dream possible,”