Page 168 - Carrollton 1988
P. 168

Best wishes for a

                     successful college career


                           all graduating seniors


           Community Asphalt Corporation

   Roads * Airports * Commercial Paving

                                  (305) 620-0174

                                         We  offer  the  following  Beauty  and  Health  Care:

                                             •   Hair  Salon             Sauna
                                             •   Manicure                Steam              Authenlique
                                             •   Pedicure                Stimapek
                                             •   Body  Wax                Pressotherapy
                                             •   Facials                 Massage
                                             •   UVA  Tanning  Machine    Personalized  Diet
                                             •   Balneotherapy           Total  Body  Seaweeds  Pack

                                       BEAUTY      FROM     THE    SEA

                                         O ver  the  past  few  years,  there  has  been  a  renewed  interest  in
                                       beauty  care  fo r  the  body  The  emergence  o f  interest  in  health  and
                                       beauty,  and  keeping  fit.  is  p ro o f  of  the  understanding  of  body
      INSTITUT  DE BEAUTE              care  The  desire  fo r  a  nice  silhouete.  a  slim  beautiful  body,  and  soft
          AUTHENTIQUE                  firm   skin  is  a  reflection  for  the  well-balanced  body.
         3308  PONCE  DE  LEON  B lV D
                                         For  the  firs t  tim e  m  Florida  you  can  find  this  unique  treatm ent
       C O R A L  GABLES.  FLO RIDA  33l3«
                                       at  the  In s t it u t   do  B c a u te   A u th e n tiq u e .  W e  offer  personalized
                                       adaptable  beauty  care  such  as  balneotherapy,  to ta l  body  packs,
       Tels.  446-5424  I  446-6389
                                       massage,  and  relaxation.

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